A perfectionist case study and approach to a most desirable utopian America and subsequently a re-vowed Pax Americana where the author emphasizes on the proven pragmatic ideals introduced by the masterminds of the United States in its very foundation, and banks on human cognitive potential as the main capital and motives, to have them employed in recreation of a Hamiltonian, Lincolnian New World making the revisionists such as FDR, JFK, and MLK look dwarfed by its scale of economical, political, and social reforms in Making America Great Again!

This approach, at first glance, seems to be far fetched, nevertheless, not that far from reality that true believers in idealistic movements like MAGA and MAHA couldn’t reach via adopting politically mandated power, calculatedly scientific adjustments, and an audacious eradication of the diseased stems of the empirical structures which otherwise, looks not for creating an Empire but rather to move beyond its biosphere territory, to settle in the new noospheric realm.

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Why not think big?

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Exactly! 💯

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We need some way to wean the politicians away from AIPAC and other big money contributors/lobbyists/bribers. The Supreme Court should be thoroughly ashamed of their Citizens United decision. Corporate law sets up corporations as legal people, but the vast majority of people have nothing like the resources of a corporation to finance legal battles, nor potential infinite lifespan. Of course, the Federal Reserve is a pox on America and should be abandoned and any debt to it for the fiat money pulled from thin air should be nullified0--let them be happy if they can escape tarred, feathered, and riding on a rail with their lives intact.

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The Court correctly recognized that regulation proponents can't even describe who and what to regulate (the most essential parts of a regulatory idea) when it comes to spending money on speech. Ryan and I would love to respectfully debate/discuss the issue with you on this week's episode of The Winers (tomorrow night between 7 and 8 PM ET). You could join us by webcam or phone. Interested?

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Sounds like fun let’s do this. I hope he agrees.

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Yeah, it would be good to hear from you on the show!

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