How do we mark the auspicious occasion of the victory of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America? Simple, by reviving everything good about America — and where best to begin but in the area of physical economy.
The American System of Economics originally defined by Alexander Hamilton and the conspirators against King George III was based on a model that encouraged scientific discovery, invention, and the replication of the benefits of those discoveries and inventions throughout the general economy to improve the quality of life of all the citizens.
Hamilton was determined to liberate the newly established United States from its role as a dependent on the European economies.
America’s Start
Contrary to popular views, the founding fathers of the United States broke from the British Empire to create a republic based on different notions regarding humanity and nature, and not to create a new empire. In fact, the starting point for economy for the founding fathers was not monetary values, but actually the capacity of the citizenry to generate creative ideas.
In the Federalist Papers (#11) Hamilton outlined the-high level approach:
Under a vigorous national government, the natural strength and resources of the country, directed to a common interest, would baffle all the combinations of European jealousy to restrain our growth... An active commerce, an extensive navigation, and a flourishing marine would then be the offspring of moral and physical necessity.
Trump Tariff
While President-elect Donald Trump has suggested tariffs, Hamilton would advise him to go farther and direct credit, not through a Federal Reserve, which is not beholden to Americans, but through a Constitutional banking process. A National Bank was created under congressional authority (i.e., not “Wall Street”) using tariffs, bounties, and incentives to encourage manufacturing, to fund physical infrastructure, regulate quality standards, and create an institution to promote “the prosecution and introduction of useful discoveries, inventions and improvements.” All this was outlined in Hamilton’s Second Report on Public Credit to promote the productive powers of labor.
The American economy grew rapidly in its first 100 years due to this revolutionary policy. The representative from China to the U.S. 1876 Centennial Philadelphia marveled that the conditions of average Americans rivaled those of European monarchies. It was proof that mankind’s general increased power over nature, and improvement of nature, was far more successful than the centuries of oligarchy that defined Old Europe.
The nation of China has adopted this “Hamiltonian” model. Russia has adopted a version of such internal development while under sanctions that were designed to destroy its economy. America is ripe for such an internal “explosion” of development. The main thing to do is not think narrowly in terms of “money” but rather “mission” or some larger vision that will require us to gear up our country “as if for war,” but instead, for charting a new upward trajectory for our nation.
A “Science Driver”
As examples of such thinking that would require a huge increase in engineers, scientists, architects, journeymen of all kinds, look to FDR’s TVA, Kennedy’s NASA Apollo Moon project, or the potential that SpaceX represents for a Mars mission. An even larger scale example of a mission orientation is the Chinese “Belt and Road Initiative.”
A science driver is a way of harnessing the imaginations of the entire country for a singular purpose. In America, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we had a singular purpose, but in this case, Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert Kennedy want to extricate America from wars and towards peace, thus we look towards our own economic development. The infrastructure report card from the American Society of Civil Engineering represents as good a starting point as any to create a strong foundation to rebuild America and to divert our attention away from Cheney-Obama-Biden neoconservative/neoliberal endless wars.
Mind Expansion
The only limitation to changing course as the Golden Age of Donald Trump implies, is imagination. Abraham Lincoln commented in 1858, “Beavers build houses; but they build them in nowise differently, or better now, than they did, five thousand years ago. Ants and honey-bees provide food for winter; but just in the same way they did, when Solomon referred the sluggard to them as patterns of prudence. Man is not the only animal who labors; but he is the only one who improves his workmanship. This improvement, he effects by Discoveries, and Inventions.”
The great Russian scientist, V.I. Vernadsky, published an article in American Scientist magazine in January 1945, “The Biosphere and the Noosphere”. There, Vernadsky first coined the notion of the “biosphere” as the envelope of all living matter. He then formulated the concept of the “noosphere” that would supersede and envelope the biosphere itself through human cognition.
For the first time in history of mankind the interests of the masses on the one hand, and the free thought of individuals on the other, determine the course of life of mankind and provide standards for men’s ideas of justice. Mankind taken as a whole is becoming a mighty geological force. There arises the problem of the reconstruction of the biosphere in the interests of freely thinking humanity as a singular totality. This new state of the biosphere, which we approach without our noticing it, is the noosphere.
The word noosphere has its root from the Greek “noo-” meaning “of the mind or intellect.” Vernadsky further emphasizes that the strength of mankind is derived not from its matter, but from its mind (an interesting mirror of early American thinking over the ages).
Thus it is fitting, in this dramatic pivot of the U.S. election, that we have an opportunity to exit wars and to close the “concentration camps of the mind” that limit our free speech as well as limit our ability to imagine future improvements in which America can and should participate. Trump has outlined bold plans to break the back of the Deep State, as well as to Make America Healthy Again, but this will require the active participation of the citizenry.
By crushing the “Three Letter Agencies” that steal our good presidents, by ridding America of the corporate capture that has made government a tool of the billionaire class, by redirecting our energies to restoring and protecting American production and industry, we can send a message to the world that it is not just that the neocon Pax Americana is a dead letter, but that America can be trusted and revered again as a city upon a hill such that our nation would collaborate and compete constructively with all nations for the common pursuits of humankind.
That is the potential of Donald Trump’s “Golden Age of America.”
A perfectionist case study and approach to a most desirable utopian America and subsequently a re-vowed Pax Americana where the author emphasizes on the proven pragmatic ideals introduced by the masterminds of the United States in its very foundation, and banks on human cognitive potential as the main capital and motives, to have them employed in recreation of a Hamiltonian, Lincolnian New World making the revisionists such as FDR, JFK, and MLK look dwarfed by its scale of economical, political, and social reforms in Making America Great Again!
This approach, at first glance, seems to be far fetched, nevertheless, not that far from reality that true believers in idealistic movements like MAGA and MAHA couldn’t reach via adopting politically mandated power, calculatedly scientific adjustments, and an audacious eradication of the diseased stems of the empirical structures which otherwise, looks not for creating an Empire but rather to move beyond its biosphere territory, to settle in the new noospheric realm.
We need some way to wean the politicians away from AIPAC and other big money contributors/lobbyists/bribers. The Supreme Court should be thoroughly ashamed of their Citizens United decision. Corporate law sets up corporations as legal people, but the vast majority of people have nothing like the resources of a corporation to finance legal battles, nor potential infinite lifespan. Of course, the Federal Reserve is a pox on America and should be abandoned and any debt to it for the fiat money pulled from thin air should be nullified0--let them be happy if they can escape tarred, feathered, and riding on a rail with their lives intact.